Over the years, many of these frequently asked questions have been posed to our staff and providers. We have compiled some of these questions and answers on this page for you.

"What types of procedures does Dr. Meltzer perform?"

Dr. Meltzer performs GRS Cosmetic and Reconstructive procedures for both MtF and FtM.

Listed below are just a few of the procedures offered at our clinic:

Breast augmentation

FFS (Facial Feminization Surgery )

Body contouring

Vaginoplasty and Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty (for patients who have had their surgery elsewhere)

FtM lower and chest surgeries


Labial reductions and reconstruction for genetic females


Please contact our office with any further questions.


[email protected]

"Do you have photos of results that you can send or e-mail me?"

We have many photos, before and after pictures that you are welcome to view while you are here for your consultation.

Please contact our office with any further questions.


[email protected]


"I have heard of a "one stage" Vaginoplasty. Does Dr. Meltzer perform a one or two stage procedure and why?"

 Dr. Meltzer does a two stage procedure.

That being said, approximately 60% of our patients want and return for a Labiaplasty to define the Labia Minora and for clitoral hooding.
The Labiaplasty is mainly done for cosmetic reasons. but for some patients it is also medically indicated. Many patients are very happy with the first stage only. Nonetheless, to create thin Labia Minora, clitoral hooding and to “fine tune” the overall aesthetics, a good blood supply is needed to aggressively thin the Labia Minora and make a circumferential incision.
Dr. Meltzer requires that patients wait at least three months after the first stage, to allow the blood supply to adequately re-establish. They have also done secondary labiaplasties on many patients that previously had “one stage” procedures performed by other surgeons.


Please contact our office with any further questions.


[email protected]

"How many GRS procedures has Dr. Meltzer performed and how often does he do them?"

Male to female & Female to Male procedures make up the majority of Dr. Meltzer’s case load. He has performed over 2400 MtF Vaginoplasties,  more than 2000 Labiaplasties, and hundreds of FFS procedures. He usually does anywhere from 2-4 Vaginoplasties a week. Dr. Meltzer has also performed more than 800 FtM lower surgeries.

Please contact our office with any further questions.


[email protected]

"What do I need to bring to Scottsdale? What should I expect when I come for surgery?"

We have worked long and hard at thinking of everything possible to make your experience here in Scottsdale a pleasant one. The most important things you will need are yourself, a positive attitude and comfortable clothing.
Once surgery is scheduled you will receive a pre-op packet with a section titled “What you need to bring”. This will give you a detailed list of items to pack. For the most part everything you will need has already been taken care of in your surgical fee. You may need extra money for prescriptions and if you want any food other than what the hospital serves. Some of the hospital stays can be lengthy and you may find yourself with a lot of spare time so a computer, books and/or magazines are always nice to have around.  Visitors are welcome if you would like during daytime and early evening hours.
The recovery rooms are not designed for friends or family to stay. If you have guests they should have a hotel or other arrangements for sleeping at night. There are many hotels within walking distance of the recovery center/hospital. Click here for a list of hotels and lodging in the immediate Scottsdale area. We have been operating out of the Greenbaum Surgery Center for many years and have come to know and love the staff. The pre-op, post-op and recovery nurses are all familiar with Dr. Meltzer and our clients. We believe you will find it a relaxing and peaceful place to recover. It is located in the heart of Old Town Scottsdale so when you are up to moving around it is a great place to walk and explore.


"What about hormones? Do you need to speak with my endocrinologist? Does Dr. Meltzer write for hormones?"

Dr. Meltzer does not write prescriptions for hormones.

You should be regularly seeing either an Endocrinologist or a Doctor
with experience in hormone therapy for transgender patients.

 Our Nurse Practitioner, Meg Bergeson NP is available for hormone therapy.
We usually do not need to speak with the doctor administering your hormone therapy. However, certain medical conditions may require that we speak with your endocrinologist, health care specialist or primary care physician.

Please contact our office with any further questions.


[email protected]

"What about scheduling? What do I need in order to schedule and how early should I contact the office before I want to undergo surgery?"

The first thing you should consider is scheduling a consultation.
For the most part we offer consultations every week on both Monday and Wednesday mornings. We try to offer some evening and Thursday appointments but these days are limited, so please call the office for availability and further scheduling questions.

The fee for a consultation is $100.00.
We do ask for a credit card over the phone to hold a consultation date.

If you need to cancel or reschedule, just give us 48 hours notice and we will refund your card or make another appointment.
It is recommended that you call about two to three months ahead of time for a consultation.

Consultations are highly recommended in all cases and required in some.
We feel that it is very important both for the patient and doctors  to get to know each other and feel comfortable with each other prior to surgery.
In your consultation you get to spend time with you doctor asking questions and discussing surgery specifics. You will have
your current health and health history evaluated, as well as the opportunity to get pricing quotes, schedule surgery and meet our wonderful office staff.

We find that patients who come in for consultations have a much easier time understanding what to expect and preparing for their upcoming surgery.

GRS Surgery
Drs. Meltzer  follows the WPATH standards of care

(previously known as HBIGDA standards of care).
For more info go to www.wpath.org

In order to schedule you must follow and complete all requirements set forth by WPATH.

One needs an introduction letter from one of your mental health professionals;
our standard forms completed
(to get these forms please e-mail [email protected] or call our office 480-657-7006);

and a deposit to place you on our schedule.

The deposit can only be made and/or accepted once you have completed and submitted all paperwork.

It is recommended that you call as soon as possible to secure a date for surgery.
At the present time our waiting list is about 12-15 months.
We do however find that when people have flexible schedules we can usually get them on our scheduler sooner.
There may be days here or there that can open up on relatively short notice.
So please inquire with the office if you have any questions and let us know if you would like to be on our move up list.

Cosmetic Surgery/ Reconstructive Surgery/ Minor Procedures

It is always recommended to call and schedule a surgery as early as possible for the best time and date options.
Cosmetic/Reconstructive procedures under three hours can usually be scheduled with relative ease with a wait of three months or less.
For minor in-office procedures we can sometimes get you in the same month or in the following month. This is just a guideline.

Please note: Certain months and/or times of the year are busier while some are lighter and easier to schedule.

Please contact our office with any further questions.


[email protected]

Do you accept insurance?

Insurance is very complex and ever-changing.
Please contact your insurance company or HR department and ask them for a copy of your plan summary, along with any details about your coverage for gender related surgeries. Once we receive this information, we can better answer your questions regarding insurance.

Some patients have been able to get portions of their surgeries covered by insurance, but this is something that you will need to discuss with your insurance and research on your own.

We are very happy to help you with insurance questions and concerns, but it is a very complex situation and it is best that you call the office with any further questions.


[email protected]

Have a Different Question?

Email us anytime [email protected]

Or call (480) 657-7006


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